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songs » Psy songs » - AWE32 pure sound

Name AWE32 pure sound
Description This .psy is a remake in Psycle of the best old song of mine, which was in .IT format.
It was started in a MIDI editor in 1996 when I bought a new PC with a SBAWE32 in it. I sampled the sounds and made a module in Impulse Tracker 2. When finished, the .IT file sounded better.
Then I hopefully recorded it to TAPE because some months later I had a disk crash. From that tape, I remade the .IT in Modplug Tracker some time later, and now, I´ve made its way to Psycle.
The .psy uses 4 samples (snare, pedal hihat, closed hihat and cymbal), Drum synth, Feedme as a bass, and rgcAudio - Triangle I VSTi (freeware) ( ) as a Nylon guitar!!!! I invite anyone to make a remix/remake/reversion of this song, but please, give credit.
Composer [JAZ]
Added: 08.07.2002, 22:12 Last Download 07.10.2024, 06:05
Number of Downloads 3204

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