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-psycledelics- » Frequently Asked Questions » Userfunctions
Why should I Register? [Click here to Register]

In order to fully utilise the abilitites of this board, the administrator will probably require that you register as a member. Registration is free, and allows you to do the following:

  • Post new Threads
  • Create Polls and paticipate to it
  • Reply to other peoples' Threads
  • Edit your Posts
  • Receive Email Notification of replies to Posts and Threads you specify
  • Set innumerable Options in your Profile
  • Set up a 'buddy-list' to quickly see which of your friends are currently online

To register, you will need to specify a username and password, and a valid email address. Entering your email address will not leave you open to 'spam', as you can choose to hide your email address, and messages sent to you via email do not reveal your address to the sender in any case. (To verify this, you can try sending an email message to another user.) The administrator may have configured the board to send you the final part of the registration process by email, so ensure that the email address you provide is valid and working.

The administrator may require that a parent or guardian provides consent before allowing you to complete the registration process. More information about this is available during the registration process.

Does this Board use Cookies?

The use of cookies on this bulletin board is optional, but may enhance your experience of the site. Cookies are used to enable functions such as showing whether or not a thread or forum you are viewing has new posts since your last visit, or to automatically log you back in when you return to the site after being away for a while.

When you register, you will be given the option to 'Automatically login when you return to the site'. This will store your username and password in a cookie, stored on your computer. If you are using a shared computer, such as in a library, school or internet cafe, or if you have reason to not trust any other users that might use this computer, we do not recommend that you enable this.

This board also gives you the option to use a cookie to track your current session, ensuring that you remain logged-on while browsing the site. If you choose not to store this information in a cookie, the session data will be sent through each link you click. Choosing not to use a cookie may cause problems if your computer's connection to the internet uses a proxy-server and you share links with other users behind the same proxy. If in doubt, we recommend that you select 'yes' to enable the cookie.

After you have registered, you may alter your cookie options at any time by changing the settings on this

How can I change my Profile? [Edit Profile]

It is your resposibility to keep the information in your profile up-to-date. You should especially ensure that your email address is kept current. You can alter any of the fields in your profile, except your username. Once you have registered your username, it becomes yours for life. In extreme circumstances, you may request that the administrator change your username, but he will require a very good reason to do so.

Edit your profile here

What is the Signature for? [Edit Profile]

After you have registered, you may set your signature. This is a piece of text that you would like to be inserted at the end of all your posts, a little like having headed note paper.

If the administrator has enabled signatures, then you will have the option to include your signature on any posts you make. If you have specified a signature, then the board will automatically append your signature to any messages you post. You can disable signatures on a per-post basis by un-ticking the 'Show Signature' checkbox when you compose your message.

You can edit your signature here

How do I get a Picture under my Username? [Edit Profile]

These small images are called Avatars. They are displayed below your username on all posts that you make. There are two kinds of avatars: those provided by the administrator and those that you upload yourself.

If the administrator has provided a set of avatars, and avatars are enabled, you may select an avatar that best describes your personality. The administrator may also have enabled custom avatars, which allows you to upload an avatar image from your computer.

What is the Buddy-List? [Edit Buddy-List]

The buddy list is used to keep track of the friends you have made on this board. By going to your "WBB Home", you'll be able to see which of your friends are currently online, and be able to send them a private message. Adding people to your buddy list also allow you to send private messages to multiple board members at the same time. You may add any member of this board to your buddy list by clicking this button in a member's posts.

What are Rankings and Rankimages?

Rankings are conditioned to your number of posts and your usergroup. These shall only show a little impression how many posts you must have for different Ranks. We don't want anybody encourage to post a lot only to have a better Rank. Such Users are not very welcome. The Ranks shall only be a little Feature. All Users are equal indifferent of their Ranks!
Here you can see all available Ranks:

Usergroups Posts required Title Image

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