<Q> what is Psycle?
<A> Psycle is a free digital music tracker.
It can be used to compose professional sounding tracks.

<Q> is version 1.1 the last version of Psycle?
<A> no way.
Mats, the main coder, will release future versions with bug fixes and new machines and developments.

<Q> cool can I do Goa Trance with psycle?
<A> sure! You can do whatever you want with psycle.
But I strongly recommend using Psycle if you want to make Psychedelic\Goa trance.

<Q> great! Now tell me, what are Machines?
<A> good question! Machines are synths and effects you can use with psycle.
In order to get sound you need to connect all of your Machines to the Master Machine.

<Q> sounds easy! But how do I compose full tracks with Psycle?
<A> In order to compose a track you need to use the tracker.
Trackers are different from sequencers in their way of composing.
In trackers you need to write notes and numbers into columns in order to compose.
The way of working in trackers is quite simple, but first you need to know the basics
and later all the tricks and the small stuff.
There are two guides to Psycle at the moment, Gerwin’s and mine.
I recommend reading both guides if you want to understand the concepts of Psycle,
and how to work with it (you’ll see links in the end of the guide).

___________________Sound Problems___________________
<Q> when I start Psycle I always get a Psycle MME Audio Driver Configuration message and no matter what key I press, the nagging window stays.
<A> I smell problem here O.K first press Start, then run Run, and in the Open white
space type regedit.
In Regedit try removing the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AAS.
If the dialog still shows up, you can scream on your computer.
But wait there is another solution.
Try changing the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\AAS\Psycle\1.0\OutputDriver value to 0 (Silent).

<Q> thanks man now I can start Psycle, but how the hell do I configure my sound card?
<A> good one! Now, in Psycle open the Configuration window, there choose Output.
Now you only have to press the Configure button, and set your sound device. Simple!

<Q> In the middle of the playback, the sound sometimes stops!
<A> this is a pretty rare problem.
But if you have it, it is quite simple to solve it.
Just configure your sound card again.
TIP: I don’t know the cause of this problem, but there is a hint I can give you.
Almost all cases when this problem starts are as a result of other open programs.
If you use Psycle, use only Psycle!
Don’t run other programs at the same time.

_______Different problems and questions______________________
<Q> do you of know any VST and VSTi that don’t work with psycle.
<A> tough one Look, VST and VSTi are quite problematic issue.
There are many VST and VSTi that don’t work quite well with Psycle.
Some crash, and others just work poorly.
These instruments crash in Psycle: Waldorf PPG Wave, TC Mercury, JxSynth,
SC 101 (work but don’t make any sounds) and Model E (work, but with great Latency).

<Q> I don’t know Spanish, so please tell me what is this Saludos! section.
<A> funny the Saludos section is simply the Greetings section.
In the Saludios section the author of the program writes all the thank you and the greetings.

<Q> I have tons of Hardware synths, Samplers, mixers and racks.
Is it worth for me to move using Psycle?
<A> really interesting question! Listen, using Hardware is the classic and the most common way of making Electronic Music.
But (There is always a but J) with trackers (and specially) Psycle you can reach professional quality results.
You and only you should decide what way of making music you want to use.
I prefer to use music software to make my music.
(IMHO Hardware isn’t a very comfortable way of making music).
I also don’t like Sequencers (Cubase, Cakewalk and Logic Audio etc.).
So choose your own weapon but remember that with every program you can make professional music, it is up to you
how you take advantage of your program and how you use it.

<Q> can I publish commercially my tracks that are made using Psycle?
<A> basically you can but ask for permission from one of the main coders (Arguru, Mats).

<Q> why are you writing all these guides? Get a life!
<A> why am I writing all these guides? I guess I just want to share my knowledge and techniques with others.
About the life issue J, my theory and understanding of life are about helping people, being there when people need me,
and give a helping hand to those who ask for her!

<Q> thank you very much for helping me with Psycle!
<A> J, I was glad to help! If you need more help contact me and I’ll do my best to help you!

USEFUL LINKS (This site contains all of Arguru’s all time programs + message boards). (Very good site dedicated to Arguru’s software + VST + VSTi). (Psycle’s official home. All the guides + songs + presets + message boards + contact list + current version of Psycle).
Other guides: (in the docs section).


The guide was written by Fatal Virus Aka Felix Kaplan.

My E-Mail address is:


Thanks go to: KSN, Gerwin, Vax, Mats, Zombie, TimEr, Waka-x, Arguru, HH, and all the Community!

Have A Good Time Using Psycle!

See you!




